Easy Granadilla Curd

Lemony Granadilla Curd

I love fruit curds. They’re  the perfect way of using up a glut of fruit, an extension of the season, as it were. My grandmother used to make a really good  lemon curd, which we ate,  thickly spread on hot buttered toast.  I like to serve this easy granadilla curd with thick Greek yoghurt and fresh berries for a light summer dessert or dolloped on a pavlova. The recipe is based on this 4 – minute lemon curd.



When we moved into our new house, my father gave me a lemon tree for my birthday.  It’s been barren for six of the seven. Last year it bore 2 hard, juiceless lemons. I was on the verge of removing it and replacing it with something less fickle, but decided to give it another chance. Seven must be our lucky number. Finally we have a generous yield of knobbly-skinned lemons. It’s by no means a bumper crop, but enough to keep us well-juiced. I love that they’re organic and unwaxed, the rough skins perfect for zesting. Should you be lucky enough to have a lemon tree, this easy granadilla curd will relieve you of a few lemons.

Lemony Granadilla Curd


Easy Granadilla Curd
Makes 2 jars (about 400ml)
  • 300 g (1 1/2 cups) granulated sugar
  • 60 ml (1/4 cup) fresh lemon juice
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 180 ml (3/4 cup) fresh granadilla pulp
  • 3 eggs, plus 1 yolk, lightly whisked together
  • a pinch of salt
  • 80 g (1/3 cup ) butter, cut into cubes

Place the sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest in a heatproof bowl and stir to combine. Add the granadilla pulp and whisk together to break up granadilla pulp strands.  Add lightly beaten eggs and whisk well to incorporate.

Microwave on high for 1 minute, whisk thoroughly, then repeat this process 7 to 8 times until the curd is pale and fluffy. Add the butter and whisk to combine. Once the butter is completely melted and the curd silky, add the salt and stir through.

Pour into sterilised glass jars and seal. Once cooled, store in the fridge until ready to use.


Lemon curd in 4 minutes

A Simple Lemon Curd Recipe


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Lemon curd yoghurt creams

Lemon Curd Yoghurt Creams

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you for this! If I wanted to make just lemon curd, how much lemon juice would I need!
    Many many thanks!

  • Morning Carol. For a straight forward lemon curd I’d use 80ml lemon juice and 2 whole eggs. Enjoy, Best regards Di

  • Can you deep freeze some granadilla curd for another time

  • Dianne Bibby
    1 April 2022 5:32 am

    Hi Cheryl
    I haven’t frozen mine before, but I believe it freezes well. Once defrosted, I’d possibly give the curd a quick whisk through.

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